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University “Politehnica” of Bucharest

University “Politehnica” of Bucharest – UPB (P2) is represented by one of its research centers UPB – ACPC. UPB-ACPC is a division affiliated to one of the largest and most valuable educational and research entities in Romania– University “Politehnica”of Bucharest (UPB). According to recent formal classification of Romanian universities, UPB belongs to class A. Since its inception in 1992, UPB-ACPC made its contribution to this exploit, as shortly described in the following paragraphs.

The center is formally accredited as a research unit, with projects in the Automatic Control domain. As infrastructure, UPB-ACPC is endowed with laboratories for: systems and industrial processes identification, signal processing, analysis and development of numerical control strategies and systems, dedicated software or hardware modules, optimizations, fault detection and diagnosis. The research partners of this center come from Romania, France, Belgium, Germany, Finland or Canada. Projects developed here are not exclusively financed by the public budget. On the contrary, many direct contracts with the industry have been completed so far (some of them being nowadays in different phases of development). The center has a good record of scientific publications (20-25 each year), from research reports, conference communications to journal articles and books. Its members and their associates are highly qualified personnel, some of them being involved in this project as well.

Role in HEART:

UPB is involved in all project phases with a strong focus in parallel implementations of the cardio-vascular models on cloud based systems.

Committed research infrastructure and resources:

A parallel machine SUPERMICRO with 4 quad processors (at 2.8 GHz and 1.2 TB HDD), of 2009 generation, is available to perform complex computations. The machine allows running almost any complex programs. A parallel licensed version of MATLAB 2010 with many toolboxes (including Control and Optimization ones) is installed on the machine.

A network of 4 to 8 PCs (of 2009 generation as well) can also be employed to develop the project.
