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“Transilvania” University of Braşov

“Transilvania” University of Braşov – UTB (CO) is a public academic institution with about 920 full-time scientists and around 21,000 students (including 1200 PhD students. The university now has 16 faculties, eight in engineering fields and eight in various academic profiles. The Development Strategy of UTB takes into account the real integration of the university in the European Area of Higher Education and Research, validated by international certification.

The running Research Strategy of UTB defines research top priorities of the university for the 2007-2013 period in good agreement with national and EU priorities. The Research Departments are defined in the strategy as autonomous structures of the university, responsible for developing quality and competitive research. The research departments have their own staff, Ph.D. students, research master programs and high-level infrastructure.

The Department of Automation is part of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences of UTB. The department coordinates license and master programs. The research activities carried out by the staff, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students takes place in the Product Development Department D9 – Process Control Systems (SCP) – with its two units Software Systems and Process Intelligent Control.

UTB has been involved in major European projects and programs since Romania was accepted after 1990 to participate in competitions (Copernicus, Phare, FP6, etc.). The group participating in this project is involved in several national projects (funded by Govern and Ministry for Education and Research as well as bilateral industry projects: PNII, CEEX, etc.) and international research projects (Leonardo Da Vinci, Socrates/Erasmus, FP6, etc.).

Role in HEART:

UTB will contribute mainly to cardio components modelling and GPU implementation, being in charge of  the project coordination too.

Committed research infrastructure and resources:

UTB makes available to the projects several GPU based system such as: GTX 460, 1G RAM DDR5-256 bit, 775/4000 MHz, GTS 450 1024MB etc. with the corresponding simulation licenses fin order to perform GPU based modelling . There are some other logistics which the coordinator can allocate to this project such as: working places in offices and/or laboratories, printers, communication lines, proper PC network, etc. MATLAB license is available for modelling.
